The First Line 2022 First (and Last) Line Contest - Winners

After sifting through more than 1,000 entries, we're excited to announce the winners of the 2022 First and Last Line Contest.

The 2022 First Lines

Rayna sat in front of the mirror removing her makeup and wondered who she would discover underneath. - Lori Erickson (Spring)

Thomas hadn't expected to be alive when the town's time capsule was opened. - Roger Hammons (Summer)

Lily unlocked the back door of the thrift store using a key that didn't belong to her. - Carter Lappin (Fall)

When he died, their father had two requests. - Emily Masuda (Winter)

The 2022 Last Line

The shredder roared to life, grinding the letter into tiny pieces of confetti. - Kathleen Robins

Writers: Now it's your turn to use these first and last lines to create the stories for 2022. We can't wait to read what you come up with.

David and Robin

Copyright 2021 Blue Cubicle Press, LLC